Moving Forward


It’s important to keep moving in life, evolving, learning, experiencing and growing as an individual. Sometimes, in order to move on and do those all of those wonderful things and experience the full potential of your youth, you have to let go of things that might be greatly difficult to let go of.

In my case, moving on takes on the aspect of literally moving. Leaving behind the people who have shaped me into the person I am today with the experiences we have shared over the course of my time in this town. Parting with people who mean the world to me and bring me great joy and endless laughter on a daily basis. Saying goodbye to the person who is so near and dear to my heart. Someone who knows the real me, including all my flaws and weird aspects of my personality, and still loves me. Someone I can be extremely silly and weird with, and feel completely comfortable in doing so. Someone who makes me feel safe, loved, and…complete. Someone who I have to let go of much too soon, and be thousands of miles apart from. I can’t adequately describe the jumble of emotions this situation has brought upon me. Exactly how is one supposed to feel when they are committed to a relationship with a crystal clear expiration date? I feel joy and gratefulness for the time and the experiences we have shared, as well as the things I have learned in that time, great sadness for that time being cut much too short, hope for the future, and trust in that this is all for the best, and that this is the path that our lives are meant to take. It’s just so incredibly difficult to imagine how radically different my life will be a month from now. Moving forward can be frightening at times, but I have faith in that it will be an incredible adventure in any case.

Cheers to moving forward.

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