Live as if you’re dying


If you were given the opportunity to posses the knowledge of the exact date and time you would die, would you take it?

On one hand, if you agree, you would be able to focus on the ticking clock and attempt to squeeze as many special moments into the slot of time you are allotted on this earth. You would focus on what matters in life, spend quality time with the people you truly care for, and only do the things that bring you joy, because you don’t have time to waste on things that bring you great despair and sorrow. You would stay proactive and not waste a single breath. Or would this be like your tenth grade english assignment, where you procrastinate until the last minute and try to do everything the night before the dead line? (pun intended)

I think the real question is, why aren’t you living your life as if you might die tomorrow? In most cases, you have absolutely no knowledge or control over your demise. Just as suddenly as life was give to you, it can all be taken away. So take every moment and make it count, don’t waste your breath on things that won’t matter in the end. Make sure that when the time comes and your life flashes before your eyes, it is filled with great memories, loving people, and laughter. Live your life with confidence, live your life as an adventure, live your life filled with love, live your life engulfed in happiness, live your life passionately, live as if you’re dying.

4 thoughts on “Live as if you’re dying

  1. Anonimity is cool

    Don’t think I agree with this 100%, but at least it gives those who read it something. Whether that something is realistic or not, well, that’s a different story. Good job, though. It gives people something to look forward to.

      • Anonimity is cool

        I understand. I’m of the school of thought that everything in life happens and couldn’t have gone any other way. To deny’s one own emotions ans desires (such as sorrow and everything that causes it) is to deny our very humanity. If my life was filled with only happiness and everything I did was for the betterment of my emotional state of being, and I spent no time crying, feeling sorry, or being by myself in certain moments of my life, I would be miserable. There would be no true emotion from my body. There would be no excitement in the things I do, and all because I’ve become so accustomed to a specific feeling that in the end, would become boring to me. I live so that life’s full potential isn’t simply for my personal happiness and I’m allowed to do something, cry about it, feel human again, and carry on. That extra time on the other emotions can make life from one specific color of the rainbow, to the whole entire spectrum, so why not give life the whole experience? Why not take risks, experience what makes us human, and live? I don’t know, for all I know, life is just life. Living as if you were gonna die tomorrow, it would just make you live in fear. Fear of death, which, for all we know, could be better, or the same as the life we live right now. It’s as one of my favorite songs says “we know the truth, but prefer lies. Lies are simple; simple is bliss. Why go against stratitians when we can live in defeat; live in decline; be the victims of our own demise?”

      • I absolutely agree with your point of view, but I also strongly believe in an optimistic outlook on life. Forgive me for not elaborating on the entirety of my point of view, and trust that I have gone through my fair share of terribly painful experiences (which I plan on posting about as my blog flourishes,) but this is where my mindset lies as a result of those experiences…Yes, you should let yourself experience the negative things in life to have true appreciation for the positive ones, but there is no need to dwell on that. If you have a choice between creating a beautiful moment filled with positivity, why not take it? Making the best out of life is important, as quality counts, not quantity. The point of my post was not to reinforce the fear of death and a ticking clock, but to spark a realization that you don’t know when your life can be taken away from you, so you should make the best of it while you’re still here. My message was a motivational reminder to those who are stuck in a place where they are more so surviving, rather than living a beautiful and vibrant life that they have the choice to pursue. Lying yourself into happiness is not a way to go, but seeing the light at the end of a tunnel, keeping a positive mindset, and making the best of every single moment and breath you have is the key to finding true joy, content, and peace in one’s life.

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