Traveling Rant


I have a perfect little scenario laid out in my head. Me and the man I love traveling the world together doing something that makes us happy, experiencing beautiful places and cultures, meeting individuals with stories so epic that it ignites our will to keep exploring and learning. I hope one day to take a train through Europe and visit not only the mainstream, cultural artifacts, but also the hole in the wall places only locals would know about. Because that’s where the true culture lies, not in the tourist attractions filled with people who more than likely speak your language, but where the people of the country live out their lives. It’s the same as going to New York and only visiting Times Square and the Statue of Liberty. If you did that, you wouldn’t get a real impression of the city. To get a good feel for the city you should go to a random pizza place, watch a street performer, go to the record store and talk to the person who works there, or pick up a hotdog from a hotdog stand and eat it in Central Park, because that makes for a better story than “I saw the Statue of Liberty” and you never know who you might meet and the adventure you will have. Life is one enormous blank book, and you get to decide how interesting your story will be.