The Meaning of Life..


“You die twice: one time after you stop breathing, and the second time after somebody says your name for the last time.”

The first time I read this quote, I sat on my bed for hours thinking about life and the meaning behind it. A lot of questions raced through my mind. Questions that no one possesses a definite answer to. Questions such as: Is there even a point to living if I don’t make a lasting impression? How do I know if I am truly living and not just taking up space? Who will remember me the longest? My family? Society? The whole world? Or maybe no one will.. What will be the footprint that I leave behind in this world? How can I make a lasting impact in my time here? Where do I even begin?

I still don’t have a clear cut answer to these questions, and I never will. But that is the beauty of life. Accepting that I will never fully understand the meaning of it puts me a fraction of a step closer to doing so. What I have learned through my personal experiences is that to make a lasting impact, you have to start small. Change the lives of the people around you by bringing whatever version of joy into their lives that you can muster up. In the end, we all want to be happy and that’s the basic truth. Sure, we don’t live in a perfect world and overcoming negative situations and feelings is part of our journey, but happiness should always be the light at the end of the dark tunnel, and if you can shine your light to someone by simply offering them a smile or a laugh, well that, my friend, is you making an impact in their life.

But that’s just my two cents on the eternal question of the meaning of life.